Large Ultrasonic Cleaners

Specifying a Large Ultrasonic Cleaner

In many cases ultrasonic energy is the “go to” solution when it comes to meeting challenges associated with cleaning large parts.   Cleaning large parts calls for specifying a large ultrasonic cleaner – one that accommodates parts size and has added features facilitating the entire cleaning cycle

This means specifying a large ultrasonic cleaner requires more than considering a unit with the capacity to hold parts being cleaned.  But even that requires some thought.  That’s why we start with

Calculating Large Ultrasonic Cleaner Capacity

Remember the old saw about the guy who builds a boat then can’t get it out the door?  When specifying an ultrasonic cleaner, the point to remember is parts must fit in the tank.

Large ultrasonic cleaners are generally classified by tanks’ cleaning solution capacity.  Equally if not more important are cleaning tank dimensions.   For example, the 15.3 gallon Elma xtra ST600H unit has tank dimensions of 19.7 x 13 x 13.8 inches LWD. 

BUT since cleaning is best accomplished in baskets, consider basket size.  For this unit the dimensions are 16.3 x 10 x 8.3 inches.

And yes, you do need a cleaning basket.  In addition to facilitating part placement and removal, they are designed to keep parts at the correct distance from the tank sides and bottom to maximize cleaning effectiveness.

Baskets also figure in calculating what is called the working depth of your ultrasonic cleaner.  This is defined as the distance from the bottom of the basket to the surface of the ultrasonic cleaning solution.  Parts being cleaned must be completely immersed.  If product literature does not supply working depth information, ask for it.

Another point when considering large ultrasonic cleaner capacity:  If you clean a large number of parts do not stack them in the basket.  Surface damage could result if they vibrate against each other.    

The Elma xtra ST series of large ultrasonic cleaners are offered in 7 tank capacities from 7.9 to 67.4 gallons.  They come with a 3-year tank warranty for single shift operation.

Features Facilitating Ultrasonic Cleaning Cycles

Folks purchasing a new car select features and options that make sense to them.  Similar choices must be made when purchasing a large ultrasonic cleaner.

Here are standard features and benefits found on the Elma xtra ST series of ultrasonic cleaners.  This is followed with options that can further facilitate your entire cleaning cycle.

  • User-friendly controls. The ergonomically designed splash-proof LED-equipped control panel tells at a glance what ultrasonic frequency is being used, which functions are operating, and the status of cleaning cycles in terms of time and cleaning solution temperature.
  • User-selectable ultrasonic frequency.  Select 25 kHz to remove coarse and tenacious contaminants, and cleaning robust surfaces such as stainless steel and cast iron.  Select 45 kHz for industrial-scale cleaning, laboratory, sanitary and fine cleaning.
  • Pulse Mode delivers bursts of power to remove stubborn contaminants and degas fresh cleaning solutions.
  • Sweep Mode assures even cleaning avoiding damaging “hot spots” or “dead zones.”
  • Dynamic Mode combines Pulse and Sweep delivering the benefits of both.
  • Programmable routines save set-up time for common cleaning tasks. 
  • Dual-position basket support facilitates loading products to be cleaned, and draining freshly cleaned loads while conserving cleaning chemistries by returning them to the tank.
  • Auto-start. Set cleaning temperature from 30⁰ to 80⁰C per cleaning solution recommendations, unit will start when temperature reached.
  • Safety shut off protects equipment if solution temperature reaches 90⁰C or after 12 continuous operating hours.
  • Mobility lets you move your unit to where it’s needed – only requiring a source of electrical power.  Wheels lock when in position.
  • Easily Serviced.  Swapping out the control panel/generator assembly minimizes downtime.

Useful Options for Large Ultrasonic Cleaners

An important consideration when operating any ultrasonic cleaner is minimizing contamination of the ultrasonic cleaning bath.  Two options help prolong cleaning bath effectiveness in the Elma xtra ST series.

Avoid Unnecessary Bath Contamination

A good practice is to physically remove loosely adhering contaminants prior to the cleaning cycle by using the Elma Rinse option with tap water. 

After the items have been cleaned, spray rinse products with demineralized water provided by the included filtration system to remove remaining residues. The rinse option can be table or wall mounted and is equipped with two rinsing wands, one for tap and one for demineralized water.

Maintaining the Ultrasonic Bath

Contaminants removed during the ultrasonic cleaning process remain in the bath, either held in suspension or float to the top.  Hard contaminants fall to the bottom of the tank. 

The Elma Filter option prolongs cleaning solution effectiveness by monitoring and removing contaminants and fine particles during cleaning cycles.

Benefits include extended bath effectiveness, lower water consumption and reduced tank erosion from settled particles.

When flow rate decreases due to contaminant buildup, filter cartridges are easily replaced by shop personnel.

A wheel-mounted table is an option that supports the rinsing system along with the cleaning basket. It is equipped with a splash guard, drip tray, and ball-valve drain to disposal.

More information including videos of these performance-enhancing options is found by scrolling down to the Available Peripherals section on our website.

Contact Us for More Info on Large Ultrasonic Cleaners

As the authorized North American reseller of Elma ultrasonic cleaners, we are ready to help you select a system right-sized for your needs along with recommendations on ultrasonic cleaning solutions formulated to solve your cleaning challenges.